AC8257 vs PX5

AC8257 SoC for the Android headunits Vs. the older but still useful PX5 chip.


AnTuTu is a software benchmarking tool commonly used to benchmark phones and other devices to showcase their processing speed. The higher the number that Antutu produces after the benchmarking process, the faster the processor is considered. It is a helpful rule of thumb to compare Android headunit speeds.


Always try to compare apples with apples. e.g. 4Gb compared to 4Gb. This is not always possible because some ancient processor units will only work with 2 GB RAM, but these are best avoided anyway.

AC8257 AnTuTu

The AC8257 with 4 GB RAM will typically benchmark around 9000.

PX5 AnTuTu

While the PX5, with its 4 GB RAM, will typically benchmark at the 4000 mark.

AC8257 vs PX5

So in this challenge, the 9000 benchmark of the AC8257 beats the 4000 benchmarks of the PX5. From this, you can see a helpful jump in benchmark numbers that the AC8257 has over the PX5 chip. This jump in processor performance is noticeable in everyday use when booting up from cold or loading more intensive apps.


With both processors having the same usable RAM, the AC8257 is faster than the PX5, but the PX5 is still a usable Android headunit. So, don’t just focus on the speed; also look at other features you want, like RGB, DSP, or even your budget. But if everything else is equal, the faster SoC will perform faster under heavier and newer apps than a slower chip.

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Android HeadUnit
Android HeadUnit
I am an Android headunit enthusiast with years of experience with in-car entertainment installation, upgrade and design. Encouraging everyone who wants a change to their android headunit to try a different car launcher :)

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